National League Success for HHTC Teams!!!

National League Success for HHTC Teams!!!
Due to the Covid-19 restrictions it has been decided by the IRTPA National League committee that this years season of National Real Tennis Leagues must come to an end. After many mathematical calculations taking into account matches, games, points and chases won along with how many matches played the following division winners have been decided: Divisions Most Valued Player Team Winners Div 1/2 (0-10 handicap) Neil Mackenzie Queens 1 Div 3/4 (11-19 handicap) Tom Bamford HHTC 1 Div 5 (20-25 handicap) Matt Potter Seacourt 1 Div 6 (25-30 handicap) Ivo MacDonald HHTC 2 Div 7 (30-35 handicap) Nick Brodie HHTC 3 Div 8 (35-40 handicap) Max Trueman Seacourt 2 Div 9 (40-45 handicap) Mark Gilespie MURTC 2 A huge congratulations to the Hatfield teams with 3 out of 4 winning their divisions and the club taking the most silverware in the country! Nick Brodie also managed to be the highest ranked player in his division and will receive a IRTPA racket as his reward to show off when his is next on court. HHTC 1 - James Law, Ged Parsons - Div 3/4 Winners HHTC 2 - Martin Richards, Josh King, Nick LLoyd, Mark Devonald-Smith, Simon Heck - Div 6 Winners HHTC 3 - Nick Brodie, Mark Rayner, Jonathan Fisher, Steve Brewerton, John Savage, HHTC 4 - Joe Thompson, Hugh Pemberton, Andrew James, Chris Handley, Andrew Todd, David Hudson, Div 8 - 5th place This success says a lot about how competitive and active our membership is both on our own court and away and we cannot wait to get on court with you all again very soon and push on further!