Parent & Offspring 2020 - 4th January

Parent & Offspring 2020 - 4th January
We had a very successful Parent & Offspring Doubles event over the weekend with a bumper entry of 10 pairs and as wide a range of ages and handicaps as we have ever seen.
The day consisted of 2 round robin groups of 5 pairs, battling it out off half handicaps in one set to 5 game matches or 20 minutes on the clock.
An additional rule this year was that "Parents" had to serve to "offspring" and if the offspring were under 14yrs the opposition parent only had one serve.

With 23 matches played throughout the tournament there was some great tennis and tactics on display with many of the offspring improving by 10 handicap shots by the end of play.
The eventual winners were Mark Rayner & Dylan Gerrard who managed to triumph over Alistair and Archie Hunter 5/4 having taken the crucial last point at 4/4 40 all!

Huge thanks to all the players for joining in with the spirit of the day and for contributing to the lunch and to James for putting in a marathon shift with the marking!
We hope to see you all competing again next year!