HHTC Summer Garden Party 2018
HHTC Summer Garden Party
On Sunday 5th August Hhtc held its annual Summer Garden Party in 32c of pure sunshine and attended by 35 of Hatfield's finest members!

Richard Williams kindly allowed us to hold the event in his back garden which was the perfect venue to host the BBQ and sporting activities, so huge thanks to Richard for that!

Also huge thanks to all those who contributed to the delicious spread on offer, especially Robin Mace who provided all the meat for the day and did a wonderful job cooking it on the BBQ.

As always we had our annual Team Dawes v Team Law Challenge and finally Team Dawes managed
to wrestle the title back after 3 barren years by the grand total of 1 point! The weather was perfect and the setting, food and company couldn't have been better for a fun packed afternoon.
We hope everyone who came enjoyed themselves and we look forward to seeing you all to do battle again in 2019 so roll on next year!